VIRABHADRASANA B (warrior II pose) is a standing pose that is also a hip opener.
Starting from TADASANA (mountain pose), take a big step back with your left foot so your two feet are about one leg’s length apart.
Turn the back foot in at a 90° angle and point the front foot straight forward, aligning the front heel with the inner arch of the back foot, with the back heel, or aligning the heels with the hips.
Distribute the weight evenly over both feet and turn your torso to face the side (long edge) of the mat.
Bend the front knee in the direction of 90°, making sure it does not collapse toward the center line and remains stacked above the ankle.
Raise your arms parallel to the floor, extending the right arm forward and the left arm backward, palms facing down.
Keep the spine perpendicular to the floor and gaze out over the fingertips of the front arm.
Hold the pose for 5 breaths.
Repeat on the other side by straightening the front leg, pivoting and aligning the feet, then bending the left knee.
To come out of the pose, straighten both legs, lower your arms, pivot the feet to face the front of the mat again, and step or lightly jump back to TADASANA (mountain pose).