Yogi Luc Acke
Love - Serve - Transform
with Sanskrit Mantra,
Restorative Yoga
and more…

Restorative Yoga (in Dutch)
Rest & Reset Restorative Yoga Hoofdsteun
In deze gratis mini Restorative Yoga cursus leer je hoe je tot een “standaard gevouwen” deken voor Restorative Yoga komt en hoe je met één deken je hoofd, nek en schouders heerlijk kan ondersteunen in Śavāsana.
Rest & Reset Restorative Yoga Module 1
In deze basismodule krijg je een inleiding in de filosofie achter Restorative Yoga, leer je waarom Restorative Yoga kan leiden tot diepe ontspanning en rust, en ga je aan de slag met enkele basishoudingen om dit zelf te ervaren.
€ 99,-
Music & Mantras
Since 2008, Luc has released one album and two EP’s of acoustic pop songs, three critically acclaimed mantra albums, as well as two singles from his upcoming album (to be released in 2024):
- Whydentity - EP (2008)
- Bolo! (2010)
- Home (2013)
- Love (2014)
- Hou Van Haar - EP (2015)
- Ganesha (2016)
- Namaste - Single (2019)
- Purnamadah - Single (2020)
The “Rest & Reset” Restorative Yoga Teacher Training is offered live (in English and Dutch) as well as online in 5 pre-recorded modules (in Dutch).

Live @ Pure Energy Yoga Utrecht (in Dutch)
15/8-18/8/2024 – Pure Energy Yoga, Utrecht
“Rest & Reset” Restorative Yoga Teacher Training met Luc Acke

Online @ YogaTV.be (in Dutch)
Wanneer jij wil – Thuis, op je eigen tempo
5 vooraf opgenomen modules met hoge audio- en videokwaliteit
About Luc
Hi, I'm Luc Acke, yoga instructor and mantra singer
Luc Acke is a mantra singer, recording artist and yoga instructor from Antwerp, Belgium.
Luc (he/him) started practising Yoga in 1997. He is a Yoga Alliance registered (RYT 500, E-RYT 200 & YACEP) yoga instructor, and holds certifications in Vinyasa Yoga (Svaha Yoga Amsterdam), Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga (The Chopra Center for Wellbeing), Restorative Yoga (Judith Hanson Lasater), Yin Yoga (Jo Phee), and Rasa Yoga (Sianna Sherman).
As an independent musician, Luc has released albums and EP’s of original material in various languages and musical styles, with an ever growing interest in Sanskrit mantra: Whydentity (EP, 2008), Bolo! (2010), Home (2013), Love (2014), Hou Van Haar (EP, 2015), Ganesha (2017), Namaste (Single, 2019), and Purnamadah (Single, 2020).
At both national and international events and festivals, Luc has shared the stage with renowned kīrtan artists like Dave Stringer and Donna De Lory, and spiritual teachers like davidji and Deepak Chopra.
Luc’s Saṅkalpa (root intention for practice, teaching and life) is “Love – Serve – Transform”. He offers kīrtan, yoga workshops and teacher trainings in Belgium and abroad, blending āsana, mantra, mudrā, prāṇāyāma, and meditation.
In 2013, Luc was honoured to have been named “Yogi of the Year” by Yoga Magazine.

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